Where’s the milestone emoji?

How can social media effectively promote a company milestone?

Step 1: Have a company milestone. If one is not handy, fabricate or borrow one.

Step 2: Take a group photo with everybody holding a little plate with a piece of cake on it. Offer a gluten-free option.

Step 3: Have a human write a little something about what’s going on.

Step 4: More emojis, more better.

Step 5: Put it on social media. See? That wasn’t so hard.

A fine piece of Gossage.

— a 60s-era Fina petrol ad written by Howard Luck Gossage

“If you’re driving down the road and you see a Fina station and it’s on your side so you don’t have to make a U-turn through traffic and there aren’t six cars waiting and you need gas or something please stop in.”

All Business

A few days back, I was talking with a friend about the differences between a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree.

This took me a few years back to when I was finishing up my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at Dickinson State University.

I remember the horror of finding out the big final test (Major Field Test, pretty much an exit exam) was going to cover the entire program, not just that current semester.


When the time came to take it, I remember no notes were allowed and we were to take it under close supervision.


Things get fuzzy.

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Holy harmonicas, Batman!

1966 magazine ad for the Hohner Marine Band harmonica.

1966 magazine ad for the Hohner Marine Band harmonica.

The first episode of the Batman TV series with Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) aired on January 12, 1966. 

Did you know the harmonica got its start in China? Or perhaps Germany?

Not quite a harmonica.

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Sing us a song, you’re the honky tonk harpsichord man.

1974 magazine ad for Cordovox Electronic Pianos

1974 magazine ad for Cordovox Electronic Pianos

“Suspiciously similar to the Selmer-Armon in having sliders for the 3 equally dismal sounds.”

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From back when copy, cut and paste weren’t keyboard shortcuts.

The cover of Print (America’s Graphic Design Magazine) July/August 1974

Well, it took 38 years for me to find out about it, then over a decade for me to track down a copy for myself, but now I have it! — Print (America’s Graphic Design Magazine), July/August 1974 — It has a feature story on art directing National Lampoon, and then they let National Lampoon take over a section of their publication for extra mayhem.


Always remember to budget some time for creative research.

Here’s your plop of mayo, kids!

A Hellmann’s/Best Foods Real Mayonnaise magazine ad found in the July 1938 issue of The American Home

A Hellmann’s/Best Foods Real Mayonnaise magazine ad found in the July 1938 issue of The American Home

Hellmann’s and Best Foods Real Mayonnaise… Why two names? Let’s find out!

Ketchup’s dark twin – a brief history of mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise, the centuries-old technological wonder

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(BONK) I coulda had a V-8!

1960 magazine ad for V-8 Cocktail Vegetable Juices

1960 magazine ad for V-8 Cocktail Vegetable Juices

The eight vegetables in V-8 are beets, celery, carrots, lettuce, parsley, watercress, spinach and tomato. And yes, I know tomatoes are botanically fruit.

Here. Have a history timeline of V-8!

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