Tag Archives: ads

Does a bear…

Magazine ad for Shaefer Paper's camouflaged toilet paper found in Fins and Feathers, Hunting ’88 Special Issue #2

Magazine ad for Shaefer Paper’s camouflaged toilet paper found in Fins and Feathers, Hunting ’88 Special Issue #2

The dude in this ad was definitely not a “leave no trace” guy, but Kathleen Meyer’s “How to Shit in the Woods” wasn’t published until 1989.

$3.99 in 1988 would be around $10.61 these days (Oct. 2024), which seems a bit spendy for a pocket-sized roll of toilet paper.

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How original.

Dr Pepper color ad found in The 86th Tournament of Roses Official Parade Souvenir Program (1975)

Dr Pepper ad found in The 86th Tournament of Roses Official Parade Souvenir Program (1975)

In 1986, Dr Pepper had a 4.6% market share.

In June 2024, Dr Pepper passed Pepsi as the second biggest soda brand.

In 2009, Pibb Xtra (Mr. Pibb) had a 0.7% market share, a 0.1% increase from 2000.

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“slayer of whirring mallard and lumbering goose”

Found on the back cover of Forest and Stream magazine, March 1921.

Found on the back cover of Forest and Stream magazine, March 1921.

The Story of Evinrude Outboard Motors

Hey, do you remember the name of the dragonfly in Disney’s The Rescuers?

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Sing us a song, you’re the honky tonk harpsichord man.

1974 magazine ad for Cordovox Electronic Pianos

1974 magazine ad for Cordovox Electronic Pianos

“Suspiciously similar to the Selmer-Armon in having sliders for the 3 equally dismal sounds.”

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(BONK) I coulda had a V-8!

1960 magazine ad for V-8 Cocktail Vegetable Juices

1960 magazine ad for V-8 Cocktail Vegetable Juices

The eight vegetables in V-8 are beets, celery, carrots, lettuce, parsley, watercress, spinach and tomato. And yes, I know tomatoes are botanically fruit.

Here. Have a history timeline of V-8!

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Take off, eh!

Magazine ad for Pratt & Whitney found in the December 1937 issue of Aero Digest

Magazine ad for Pratt & Whitney found in the December 1937 issue of Aero Digest.

Pratt & Whitney, the early years.

Da plane! Da plane!
Da Lockheed Super Electra 14H2

A bit about Trans-Canada Airlines, a subsidiary of the Canadian National Railway Company.

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Alas, I was born too late.

1967 magazine ad for General Mills Bugles, Daisy•s and Whistles... and Canada Dry Ginger Ale sorta.
1967 magazine ad for General Mills Bugles, Daisy•s and Whistles… and Canada Dry Ginger Ale sorta.

Bugles are still around, but I totally missed out their snack siblings — “Whistles – a cheddar-flavored corn product in the shape of a whistle and taste like grilled cheese on toast, only crunchy; and Daisy*s – a flower-shaped snack that had the flavor of puffed popovers.”

Dang it

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The Kotex secret? Gravity!

Kotex tampons ad from 1969
Found in an American Girl magazine from 1969 or so.

It was a big advance from the old sanitary belts, and a huge leap from sanitary suspenders.

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Sorry to bug you.

Volkswagen Beetle magazine ad from around 1970
circa 1970

Q: Where do Volkswagens go when they get old?

A: The Old Volks home.

I’m so sorry.

Not-really-fun fact: The Volkswagen Beetle was originally named the Volkswagen Type 1 and marketed as the Volkswagen.

More VW Beetle trivia here via Mental Floss.

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“requires no exhausts, plumbing, dark rooms or messy inks”

Bruning Copyflex ad
Boy, I wish I wrote down the year of the magazine this was in. Might’ve been a Pathfinder. Remember, this didn’t cost you nuthin’.

Find out a bit more about Bruning via Forgotten Chicago.

I think the “ordinary translucent paper” mentioned in the ad copy might’ve been vellum or onionskin, but I could be wrong.

What the hell is Diazotype, you ask? MoMA has you covered.

“What time am it when little hand on da three anna big one there?”
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