Tag Archives: technology

Nice cans.

A magazine ad for… cans… from 1985 — Canned Food Information Council

A magazine ad for… cans… from 1985 — Canned Food Information Council

Somebody in the 1980s really wanted to put a sexy robot in an ad.

Why the Can Opener Wasn’t Invented Until Almost 50 Years After the Can

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No Home Should Be Without One!

Magnavox Videowriter Word Processor from the JCPenney Spring and Summer 1987 catalog — only $789.99!

The technology of yesterday, today.

found in a Spiegel Holiday 1988 catalog
found in a Spiegel Holiday 1988 catalog

The Fantastic and Troubled History of the Video Phone

Reach out and see somebody.

Telephony with Pictures

See what you’ve been missing.

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Get woke.

1969 ad for the Sony Digimatic Alarm Clock Radio
1969 ad for the Sony Digimatic Alarm Clock

This ad has a pretty utilitarian headline in the innovation/differentiation/unique-selling-proposition/how-will-it-improve-your-life vein, but once you get into the body copy, it’s a golden-age masterpiece of copywriting.

Fun fact: The snooze alarm was invented in 1956.

While we’re at it, here’s a 2,000-year history of alarm clocks thanks to Atlas Obscura.

Hey babe, are you into horology?

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“What’s our vector, Victor?”

From the August 1985 issue of Antic — The ATARI Resource — magazine
From the August 1985 issue of Antic — The ATARI Resource — magazine

“…an awe-inspiring flight over realistic scenery…”
Lies! All lies! See for yourself below.

Thanks to this software, and trying to learn how to fly on an Atari 1200XL computer connected to a black and white TV set in the mid-1980s, I decided that I did not want to become a pilot when I grew up.

I thought the vector art used in the ad and packaging was pretty nifty tho.

Ooh! subLOGIC had a Telex number! Fancy.

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Just my type.

I thought I had a chance at this wonderfully odd Williams typewriter invented by John Newton Williams and the first typewriter where the typist could actually see what they just typed (Williams also invented one of the first helicopters and a 3-cylinder motorcycle). It was the first item up for auction. The typewriter went for $1,200. I did not have a chance.