Tag Archives: horology

Get woke.

1969 ad for the Sony Digimatic Alarm Clock Radio
1969 ad for the Sony Digimatic Alarm Clock

This ad has a pretty utilitarian headline in the innovation/differentiation/unique-selling-proposition/how-will-it-improve-your-life vein, but once you get into the body copy, it’s a golden-age masterpiece of copywriting.

Fun fact: The snooze alarm was invented in 1956.

While we’re at it, here’s a 2,000-year history of alarm clocks thanks to Atlas Obscura.

Hey babe, are you into horology?

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What time is it?

For those of you bellyaching about the huge hassle of moving your clocks forward or backward an hour twice a year, let me introduce you to the good ol’ days with solar time, local time and the fight for and against standard time.

The railroads made things better.

For extra fun, check out the not-at-all-complicated instructions for figuring out your Local Civil Time from Rawleigh’s 1932 Good Health Guide, Cook Book and Year Book.

The difference between Local Civil and Standard Time
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