“…an awe-inspiring flight over realistic scenery…”
Lies! All lies! See for yourself below.
Thanks to this software, and trying to learn how to fly on an Atari 1200XL computer connected to a black and white TV set in the mid-1980s, I decided that I did not want to become a pilot when I grew up.
I thought the vector art used in the ad and packaging was pretty nifty tho.
Ooh! subLOGIC had a Telex number! Fancy.
The ad copy:
Flight Simulator II
For Atari computers with 48K memory
Put yourself in the pilot’s seat of a Piper 181 Cherokee Archer for an awe-inspiring flight over realistic scenery from New York to Los Angeles. High speed color-filled 3D graphics will give you a beautiful panoramic view as you practice takeoffs, landings, and aerobatics. Complete documentation will get you airborne quickly even if you’ve never flown before. When you think you’re ready, you can play the World War I Ace aerial battle game. Flight Simulator II features include *animated color 3D graphics • day, dusk, and night flying modes • over 80 airports in four scenery areas: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, with additional scenery areas available • user-variable weather, from clear blue skies to grey cloudy conditions • complete flight instrumentation • VOR, ILS, ADF, and DME radio equipped • navigation facilities and course plotting • World War I Ace aerial battle game • complete information manual and flight handbook.
See your dealer…
or write or call for more information. For direct orders please add $1.50 for shipping and specify UPS or first class mail delivery. American Express, Diner’s Club, MasterCard and Visa accepted.
Order Line: 800/637-4984
subLOGIC Corporation
713 Edgebrook Drive
Champaign IL 61820
(217) 359-8482 Telex: 206995