From his signature pose to his rumbling catchphrase, Paris Hilton always found inspiration from the Green Giant.
From his signature pose to his rumbling catchphrase, Paris Hilton always found inspiration from the Green Giant.
It’s a lucky day when you’re flipping through an old comic book and happen upon one of the first, if not THE first, ad for General Mills Lucky Charms!
Fun facts: “The cereal was created by product developer John Holahan. He developed the original prototype based on Cheerios cereal pieces and chopped up pieces of his favorite candy – Circus Peanuts.”
Circus peanuts!?!? Noooooooooo!
“The marshmallow pieces in Lucky Charms are called ‘marbits.’”
Marbits!?!? Nooooooooo!
More Lucky Charms history can be found here.
Continue reading“Remember, only you can prevent forest fires.”
— Smokey Bear
“Give a hoot. Don’t pollute.”
— Woodsy Owl
“Give the virus no assistance! Wash your hands and keep your distance!”
— Soapy the Pandemic Panda
It’s almost as if Cricket Wireless is encouraging the Internet to add penises to their characters.
Dangling the opportunity right in front of us, so to speak.
Look out, cool and rebellious cow!