Last night’s adventure was going through a 41 pound lot of The Country Gentleman magazines published between 1915 and 1927.
Here are some of the covers (and one random ad portion) I uncovered while going through this rough but rather large lot.

Farmer go boom.
Bone Shards:
The once-free book will now set you back $50 at Abe Books.
If it’s so safe, why did it say “Dangerous” on the crate?
Did you know that the Nobel prizes were pretty much made possible by dynamite?
Continue readingIf you know me, you know I had no choice but to find and acquire this magazine.
One girl possesses the mysterious power to control the wheat strawworm, just as the legends foretold.
But what if she doesn’t stop there?
Coming soon to a theater near you from the U.S. Department of Agriculture… Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1323 – The Wheat Strawworm and Its Control
Sometimes the stalks get stalked.
I stayed out of the bidding on a few auction items I wanted, but eventually managed to land this sweet Aultman & Taylor thresher advertising poster as my 2nd and last North Star auction win of the day. It has a pretty savage old-timey insult on their competition I liked, calling them “superior to the flail and an improvement on the devices of ancient Egypt.” It wasn’t until I got it home that I saw a label on the back from the Art Conservation Resource Center — Somebody paid to have this poster restored and preserved back in 1988. Interesting. Further digging found a similar but not exact version of this poster selling for $1,300, and another similar poster with an auction estimate range of $3,000-$6,000. A third one sold in 2012 for $950. The ones I found online have a big “The Aultman-Taylor Thresher and Mounted Horse Power for sale by” underneath the illustration, and mine has a tiny “Chas. Shober & Co., Prop’s Chicago Lith’g Co.” down there. No year listed online or anywhere on the print, and I’m not sure if a restored piece is worth more or less or why mine is different from the ones I found online, but this is still all kinds of neat. Hooray for auctions!
(And if any of you have any clue as to the approximate year this was made, please share!)
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