Tag Archives: clothing

The Little Girl is Right

Magazine ad for Hart Schaffner & Marx - late 40s/early 50s
Guess who forgot to write the month/year/mag again? Umm… I was originally thinking probably late-40s, maybe early-50s. But she appears to be using some sort of Dictaphone or Ediphone, which would place it in the 1920s or earlier. Unless their boss never upgraded the office equipment, which is also entirely plausible. The shirt collar and necktie kind of have that Roaring Twenties look though. I’m talking to myself again, aren’t I. Yes, Clay, you are.

This ad must’ve taken place before they invented personal zones.

A bit about the artist Jay Hyde Barnum.

Hey! The company is still around!

A guide to wearing wool in the summer.

And speaking of wool, meet Shrek, the sheep who escaped shearing for six years by hiding in New Zealand caves.

Or perhaps you would prefer a wood suit?

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A decade before Brooke Shields said — “You want to know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing.” — there was this.

1971 ad for Landlupper
From the December 1971 issue of Evergreen Review

According to the Vintage Fashion Guild, Landlubber was “THE cool jeans to wear” in the 1970s.

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Gadzooks! Post-Victorian Fashion!

“Hey! Same outfit!”

A huge Fall and Winter 1902/1903 catalog for Chicago’s Tailor-Made Clothing Co. filled with — so this is where that phrase comes from — fashion plates!

I learned something!

(See tape dispenser for scale. I won this at an auction but still haven’t figured out how to store it because it’s too wide for my plastic bins.)

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“I’m a maverick?” — John McCain

1974 magazine ad for Maverick Jeans & Sportswear

I have many questions about these three, but I’d rather not get them answered. Continue reading

This may just be the most 70s ad I’ve found so far.

1974 magazine ad for Gingiss Formalwear

Additionally, BoBo Bojovic has one of the most awesomely fantastic names of all time.

BoBo is truly livin’ the dream. Continue reading

Here’s a bit of OshKosh B’Gosh history that may surprise you.

1974 magazine ad for The Guys City Britches

They used to make duds for dudes! Continue reading

Watch out, ladies.

1974 magazine ad for Curlee Clothing Co.

I wonder how they came up with a name like Curlee? Continue reading

Damien Thorn? Total wuss.

At first glance, this is just another stereotypical late-1950s magazine ad.

Blue Bell Clothes, 1959

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