Tag Archives: masks

A Pandemic Limerick

No matter how nice you were asking,
Karen was totes against masking.
In science she’d scoff
As she said with a cough,
“In Covid I’d rather be basking.”

Before There Was Resting Bitch Face

1933 Coca-Cola magazine ad
1933 Coca-Cola magazine ad

You can wear whatever you like, ok?

Just not with a Pepsi, ok?

Fun facts:

Before 1955, Coca-Cola was only sold at soda fountains or in 6.5 ounce bottles. Tres dainty.

The oldest known masks are around 9,000 years old.

Have you ever seen a kola nut?

“It is better to look good than to feel good.” – Fernando Lamas (the real one and the one played by Billy Crystal on SNL)

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Wise up. Mask up.

Wise up. Mask up.
A PSA for y’all.