Some Western movies from 1972.
The Robert Redford Jeremiah Johnson gif many of you are familiar with is, like this ad, from 1972.

Some Western movies from 1972.
The Robert Redford Jeremiah Johnson gif many of you are familiar with is, like this ad, from 1972.
Fun facts:
Union-Alls appear to be another word for coveralls, or ever better, speed suits.
Scout preferred overalls in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Lee and Wrangler are now owned by Kontoor Brands. Would you wear Kontoor jeans?
Continue readingI have a theory about this ad. When the rangers arrive, they find the Lee family has perished after their cotton clothing caught fire. Two of the last three panels show the forest in pristine pre-fire condition, which indicates that the Lee family is in the afterlife and blissfuly unaware of their horrific deaths.
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