Wife: “Honey? Do we have any blindfolds?”
Hubs: “I don’t think so, except for the special one. Will that work?”
Wife: “Yes. Would you be a dear and fetch it for me?”
Hubs: [from bedroom] “What about the handcuffs?”
Wife: “Maybe later.”
Fun fact: Similar to how Nabisco comes from “National Biscuit Company”, Crisco comes from “crystallized cottonseed oil”. Huh.
The ad copy:
An Astonishing Blindfold Test
See if this doesn’t give you the greatest surprise of your whole cooking experience!
Put a little Crisco on the tip of one spoon. On the tip of another place a little of the fat you are now using; have someone blindfold you, and give you first one, then the other to taste.
Now did you ever imagine there could be such a striking difference in the taste of cooking fats? Think what an improvement Crisco’s own sweetness and freshness will make in your own cakes, pies, biscuits, and fried foods.