Let’s get this out of the way right away — “Just slightly ahead of our time.” was a fabulous tagline and they’ve never surpassed it. Not even close.
Bone shards:
Did you know you used to be able to get record players installed in your car?
Have you met The Electric Prunes mentioned in the body copy?
Six Panasonic D batteries will set you back around $15 these days. Last time I checked, at least.
Panasonic made the first bread machine. Who knew!? Well, probably Panasonic.
The ad copy:
It’s the “FM/AM portable radio with the phonograph hidden inside” trick.
The Panasonic “Swing-Way” looks like a mild-mannered portable radio. Until you push the magic button. Then, quicker than you can say, Jefferson Airplane, a hidden 2-speed phonograph pops out.
The “Swing-Way” has more tricks up its sleeve than any other portable radio/phono around. Like something called Auto-Set.™ That automatically adjusts the turntable to the correct record speed (45 or 33 1/3 rpm) when you set the record down. And there’s a special device that starts the turntable rolling when you swing the tone arm out of its secret compartment.
We also put in a big 4” Dynamic speaker along with special FM/AM antennas and continuous tone controls. So you’ll always get the kind of sound you want. When you want it. Folk-rock at the beach. The Electric Prunes in the park. or Beethoven in your bath.
A whole collection of Solid-State devices make sure your “Swing-Way” will let you spend many happy hours with whoever you like to listen to.
We even throw in 6 Panasonic Hi-Top “D” batteries and an earphone jack. At no extra charge.
One last trick, we saved for the end. When you unplug the set, the batteries take over automatically. The only way to turn this set off is to turn it off.
Just swing into any Panasonic dealer and ask to see the “Swing-Way,” Model SG-610. You’ll soon find out the best magic is the music it makes.
just slightly ahead of our time.
200 Park Avenue, New York 10017. For your nearest Panasonic dealer, call 800 243-0355. In Conn., 853-3800. We pay for the call. Ask about Model SG-610.