I have questions.
What is that tool/toy at the bottom of the ad?
The husband is totally cheating on her, right?
Is wearing white really the wisest choice here?
Fun facts:
Classic Trains has a nice assortment of Golden State Limited marketing materials.
Golden State’s later years were not quite so posh and luxurious.
And what good is Golden State Limited history if it doesn’t include tales of train robberies gone wrong and bodies found in drippy trunks?
Oh, now you want to learn more about Winnie Ruth Judd, AKA the Trunk Murderess, AKA the Tiger Woman, AKA the Blonde Butcher? I gotcha covered. Also, there’s a website named Murderpedia.
The ad copy:
Send Your Wife and Children
You may not be able to get away, but is there any good reason why you should not send your wife and children to California for a couple of months?
Think what they would escape—cold and snow and slush and all the other discomforts of a winter in the North.
Think, also, what they would have—sunshine, sea-bathing, flowers, fresh fruits, walks, drives, outdoor life all day and every day.
The train to take is the
Golden State Limited
In service daily, December 20 to April 14, Chicago and Kansas City to Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Barbara and San Francisco, via the Rock Island, El Paso-Northeastern and Southern Pacific Systems. Less than three days on the way. Fast as the fastest! Finer than the finest! Compartment and standard sleepers; diner; buffet-smoking-library and observation cars. Lighted by electricity.
Tickets, berths and California literature at any railroad ticket office, or by addressing
John Sebastian,
Passenger Traffic Manager,
Chicago, Ill
Rock Island System
Southern Pacific Company
El Paso Route