Tag Archives: white trucks

Adventures in Accounting

Midcentury magazine ad for National Accounting Machines / National Cash Register Company. Yes, I forgot to write down the year again.
Midcentury magazine ad for National Accounting Machines / National Cash Register Company.
Yes, I forgot to write down the year again.

I think the most precious bit in the body copy is “…what machines do automatically, operators cannot do wrong.” LOL.

What happens when you ask your company to get you an expanded keyboard.
“Is Gern Blanston there? This is? Bitch, where’s my money?”

Fun facts: The first mechanical cash register was named “Ritty’s Incorruptible Cashier”. The year was 1879. The reason? Skimming bartenders.

If you ever saw “No Sale” pop up on an old cash register, it means the till drawer was opened without a transaction taking place.

National Cash Register is now known as NCR and was once part of AT&T.

Some White Motor history at the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History. It’s not every day that a company makes the switch from sewing machines to trucks.

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