Category Archives: social media

PetSmart proved it has smarts with Pokémon GO.

I got a powerful Pokémon and a ten buck gift card by playing inside a PetSmart. Nice!

I got a powerful Pokémon and a ten buck gift card by playing inside a PetSmart. Nice!

I’m not sure if this was an isolated, local endeavor done on a whim or a franchise-wide effort, but as I walked into my town’s PetSmart on Sunday, I noticed a sandwich board by the door with something about Pokémon GO handwritten on it. I didn’t stop to read the details, but it did get me to open the app and I somehow managed to catch a sweet Hypno Pokémon with CP880 (that’s a good thing) in the litter box aisle while an amused stockboy watched me flailing around with my iPhone.

I only caused minimal damage to the merchandise. Continue reading

Twitter needs to change this to “Moments are not loading at this moment.”

Twitter Moments

Burger King has an impressive Twitter reaction time.

They took only four minutes and replied perfectly.

Good job, Whopper folks!

Find it on Twitter here.

12 Important Subdemographics for Millennials

You hear a lot of talk about the Millennial Generation (“Generation Y” to those who don’t know how to spell “Millennials”) these days, and a lot of it is damned confusing. Well, to make matters even more confusing, did you know that there are thousands of subdemographic categories for these precious little snowflakes? Here are twelve of them: Continue reading

12 Easy Steps to Really Shine with Social Media

Over the last three months, many exciting and status-quo-shattering advances have taken place in social media: Google’s new sentient social algorithms, Facebook’s beta Extra-Like button and Twitter’s premium 141st-character option, to name but a few. This article will teach you how to best exploit these new opportunities for dynamic social media mastery in only twelve easy steps.
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Reason #9,271 why brands love and hate social media.

This image awaits you when you check in at Bismarck, ND’s KFC on Foursquare.

Look! Look! I’m engaging with a brand! Look! Look!

And now I’m sharing it on various social media channels! Oh my goodness!

Social Media’s Top 10 List of Top 10 Numbers


Outsmarted by Smart Car

(Some brands play better in the social media playground than others, part 2)

There I was on Twitter, not minding my own business, when along came a response to one of my tweets that not only made my day, but made me rethink my perception of the Smart brand. Plus, they threw in a handy infographic for free. INFOGRAPHANTASTIC!

Great job with your social media, Smart USA. I don’t mind being outsmarted by the likes of you.

Now if you’ll just FedEx me one of your fine automobiles, I’ll love you forever.

Best. Social media response. Ever.

Some brands play better in the social media playground than others.

That’ll do, Eggland’s Best. That’ll do.