Now, what’s more colorful than colors?

I can’t hear ya! I say what’s, what’s more colorful than Mexicolors?

Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright!

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We’re the Jolly Jumping Bean Family! We come from down Mexico way!
I-Senor Jolly-and my whole family have put our pictures on these utica bodygard sleepers.
Now children can enjoy us all the time-and mothers can tell bedtime stories about us.
Our sleepers come in five dandy Mexicolors.
Utica bodygards are the only sleepers with the built-in bedtime story!
utica bodygard sleepers make NEWS in dreamland… with jolly jumping bean designs IN GAY MEXICOLORS
In 1 and 2 piece styles $1.69—or 3 piece (with extra lower) $2.49
Prices slightly higher West of the Rockies
choose from…
Mexicolor Canary
Mexicolor Peach
Mexicolor Blue
Mexicolor Lime
Mexicolor Pink
Never, never before, children’s sleepers as adorable as these new Utica Bodygards. Ever, ever delighful—with the Jolly Jumping Bean characters dancing on the front—with new Jolly Mexicolors from head to toe. Extra-fleecy, extra-absorbent fabrics, double-soled feet for wear and warmth. So comfortable, too—with full-cut roominess and smooth, non-chafe seams. And grippers that can’t come off!
See these Utica Bodygard Sleepers today at your favorite children’s wear counter.
Free to Mothers
“The Adventures of the Jolly Jumping Bean Family”—in picture-story form. Such fun for children. Such good bedtime reading. Ask for a copy at your children’s wear counter, or write us.
utica bodygard sleepers
Utica Knitting Co., Utica, New York
Makers of Utica Bodygard Briefs • Knit Union Suits • Mid-Lengths • Athletic Shirts • “T” Shirts • Knockabout Shirts • Children’s Sleepers