Fun fact: “Punk rock” didn’t exist as a term before Creem’s May 1971 issue.

Bonus: Check out the short trailer for a CREEM documentary here.
The ad copy:
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Get CREEMed! Read America’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll Magazine and wear a CREEM T-shirt, the favorite of all the stars, designed by R. Crumb. Be the first on your block to get all the latest poop on comix, movies, trash, and especially Rock ’n’ Roll music. FREE records with subscriptions. Check us out on your newsstand today . . . or send $3.00 for a T-shirt and a sample copy (or 25 cents for a sample copy alone) and details on how you too can be counted among the elite! Don’t delay — do it today: CREEM Marvels, P.O. Box 202, Walled Lake, Mich. 48088.