An auto dealer that’ll give you that burning sensation when you pee.

Challenge: Spot the two penis references from the following TV commercial screen grab! Whee!

Difficulty Level: Not hard

Do we really want to give Chrysler billions in bailouts when it has dealers like this?
Stay classy, Dodge of Burnsville, you big, thick, engorged & veiny auto dealer you!

Up next: We’ll examine the advertising of Wanker, Wisconsin’s Wiener Winnebago.

4 thoughts on “An auto dealer that’ll give you that burning sensation when you pee.

  1. Katy

    This really is horrifying. Something tells me that someones daughter designed that logo and everyone is too terrified to tell the owner why it sucks.

  2. mark

    Can you please email me Clayton? I have a question for you regarding the commercial archive (and dont know how else to contact you). Thanks!

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